Thursday, June 16, 2011

Happy Anniversary to Lauren

Four years ago today Lauren and I were married in a simple Catholic ceremony at Fort Belvoir, VA. It was a beautiful late Spring day, and we were surrounded by family and close friends.

We started a journey that day that has taken one or both of us from California and Colorado to Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Kuwait, Afghanistan, New Zealand and--at long last--our current home in Seattle, WA.

We've moved all over the world, gone months without seeing each other, and each had 3 different jobs.

We've added a puppy, a house and a baby into the mix along the way.

And through it all the one constant was our love for one another**. It has grown stronger through each moment, whether joyous or stressful. And I know that it will continue to increase in strength for the many four year increments yet to come.

Happy annniversary, Lauren--I love you with all of my heart, and I'm so proud of you as an attorney, wife and mother.

**And Bailey. Bailey was a constant. If I don't point this out I will likely get a bite to the face when I see her next.